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Florida Land Steward Update, May 23, 2024

Chris DemersMay 23rd, 2024SPRING-SUMMER ISSUE OF QUARTERLY FLORIDA LAND STEWARD NEWSLETTER NOW AVAILABLE In this issue: Biochar as an Additive in Forest Systems, Hurricane Idalia Silviculture Recovery Program Open for Enrollment, Check out the new ProForest “PodForest” Podcast, New Forest Management and Stewardship related Publications on AskIFAS, Bulk Registration Option for the Online Forest Landowner Academy, Sign up […]

How to Maintain Atala Butterflies in Your Garden Year-Round, Third Blog

Vilma ValdesMay 17th, 2024In-A-Pinch Preventative Measures The Other Cycads: In my early years of Atala butterfly gardening I would panic during their peak caterpillar munching phase. Fearing I would run out of coonties, I planted other cycads to alleviate the strain on them. Of the many cycad species, the Atalas also lay eggs on the Zamia fischeri, native […]

Coyotes — the predator under watch by UF cameras, scientists

Brad BuckMay 15th, 2024Every fifteen minutes, 365 days a year, University of Florida scientists can see how and where many coyotes move at two locations in the Sunshine state. Those images show coyotes in two different landscapes in Florida: pine flatwoods in North Florida and the rangeland in Central Florida. The movements tell researchers about the animal’s behavior, […]